Fundamental Competences in Human-centered Digitalization

The module certificate deals with digitalization from the perspective of the individual. The aim of the module certificate is to introduce the basic concepts of digitalization and digital transformation. In addition to the basic concepts, the module certificate deals with the various aspects of digitalization in four thematic blocks: Digitalization from the perspective of the individual as such, as a social being, as a citizen and as a customer. This includes topics such as data protection and ethical issues, acceptance and use of technology, digitalization in healthcare, social media, e-government, sustainability, sharing economy and e-commerce. A central aspect of the course is the critical reflection of the positive and negative aspects of digitalization, especially its impact on the individual, in the context of organizations and society. 

The course is supplemented by a capstone project in which students apply the lecture content to current topics of digitalization. In doing so, students critically examine current issues relating to digitalization and are able to present their thoughts in writing. 

The certificate is offered in English. 

Introduction to the degree program with a focus on relevant subject areas and competencies (by the program director and the head of subject). 

Target Group  
The advanced module certificate is aimed at anyone who wants to learn more about digitalization and its impact on people. 

Admission Requirements 
There are no admission requirements for the advanced module certificate. 

Academic Objectives, Occupational Fields 
After completing this advanced module certificate, participants have the following skills. 

  • You understand the concepts of digitalization and digital transformation from the perspective of the individual. 

  • You can explain human-centered digitalization in different contexts, such as data protection and ethical issues, health, social media, e-government and e-commerce.  

  • You can reflect on the positive and negative effects of digitalization on the individual in different contexts 

A modul certificate is acquired.  

Structure, Workload, Period of Study  
The advanced module certificate is worth 5 credit points, of which 3 credit points are for the pre-accelerated course and 2 credit points for the exercise (capstone project). 

The advanced module certificate comprises five thematic blocks: (1) Fundamentals of digitalization, (2) Digitalization from the perspective of the individual as such, (3) Digitalization from the perspective of the individual as a social being, (4) Digitalization from the perspective of the individual as a citizen and (5) Digitalization from the perspective of the individual as a customer.

Teaching Model  
The course is held online and follows a flipped classroom approach. The lecture content is available as a video and is supplemented by live discussions. 

Evaluation of the written elaboration of the capstone project in the form of a report.  

Application, Enrollment, Registration  
You can apply by sending an e-mail to cecsaaruni-saarland.NJU8#7TZF7de. In the next step, you will receive a confirmation with a request for payment. Once payment has been received, you will be informed by e-mail with the option to register in SIM. 

Scientific Direction 
Prof. Dr. Stefan Morana 
Professur für Digitale Transformation und Wirtschaftsinformatik 
Campus C3 1 | Raum 2.13 
66123 Saarbrücken 
T: +49 681 302 3785 

Applications/Registration Deadline  

The fees are €1499 per semester. 

CEC Saar der Universität des Saarlandes 

Postal Adress 
Universität des Saarlandes  
Campus Center Gebäude A4.4. 
Im Stadtwald  
66123 Saarbrücken